12/2/21 641p, Breeder diary. We are serious about ENS so did today. Let me tell you about blue collar male!! Which ever owner that we decide on blue collar black and tan bicolor male? That boy has been opinionated since the minute he was born, we are on day 3 of early neurological stimulation but blue collar? When he was on the teat for the latch, complained! Teat ain't full enough!

12/2/2021 417pm Breeder's diary- Litter is officially registered. The stud owner gets an email and she literally uploaded pictures of the tie to AKC. But sent me a screen shot. Stud owner is Laurel Getchell of Schattenhaus Shepherds and a very dear friend! Will get the papers in 10 days.
12/2/21 1142am Breeders diary - Maid came by. God bless her. Vetting more owners. Deposits of waitlist are en route and received. Have to vet owners and some are travelling in. I don't ship. Having my announcement designer change the annoucement to Litter born - 11/26/21 2 females/ 8 males. 3 males available. We are putting one on reserve. We do volhard testing and I wanted wiggle on selection. Meaning we won't release the 4th boy for sale until after the testing. Owners after the volhards and the assessor has already agreed to come out. Danielle my trainer who is a vet, is doing farm call to visit her beloved Blitz's grandbabies.
This was Lucy's Dad . Litter announcement person was super fast at changing the announcement by the way . Local owners and I know two of you. Already go to training with me. So this is Dr. Danielle Bercier. Dvm. She is my trainer. And Lucy is the production of her beloved Blitz/ He was 9 and Lucy was the production of his first litter. she is with K9 Strong in Silverhill, AL. Close to Pensacola and Mobile. So she will be coming to see her beloved Blitz's grandbabies.
John is registering the litter as we speak but not sure he is in the right place. trying to get into good dog because we have discounts on chips. but can't find the password.
Have to get a tax id! Our tshirts are a hit. So will start selling them for 20 shortly. Have orders coming in already! See how I can get busy did I mention I am a cpa and trying to catch up on work! lol. Dropped my hours until we get the litter caught up to 20 hours.
Had to get the r on the logo we have a registered trademark. fidelis ad mortem means faithful until death. As I was typing this got another for the tshirts. JANIE GET A SALES TAX ID we are already have an EIN number.
Changed the banner.
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