Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year's and backdating on posts. Pups are 5 weeks old.

 12/31/2021 758am Breeder's Diary- I will back date posts. I am playing a lot of catch up. I have a lot of platforms. I have a facebook page and that is where I talk about the most. So let me catch up from my last post. The litter is 5 weeks old. This morning we started their panacur. That is their dewormer. So that 1 mil per 5 lbs for 3 days so we have started that. We have been going through a gallon of goat milk a day.  I will copy and paste things I wrote in the last 10 days I was going to put on this one post but too long.

12/30/21 pm posts

The rosettes? The ribbons Are NOT my dogs they are my classmates! I am beyond proud and completely jealous. I am proud to breed and I am personally creating my next titling dog, but look at my friends and by the way, these are my rescue friends and rescue dogs. They are my classmates and most definitely my friends. I opted not to go to not track back but oh my goodness, Lucy and Eda will be joining the fun. Jacquelyn Sternung and Joan Bastura and Spencer Sternung I am so proud of ya'll!! I really, really am. The litter is from tonight and was showing off orange collar's ears up, but pales in comparison to what my classmates did today!

This is my classmate's crazy dog Jazz. Joan and I are good friends and look at the size of that rosette. Man I am jealous but even more proud. 

Another my classmate. I didn't compete at Salty paws because I felt I was putting the litter at risk but another classmate of mine and we compete together.

Once you get past the intimidation of training and titling?  It because easy and addictive.

Orange collar's ears are up

Pups in the whelping room are mean to each other!

12/30/2021 So um, I renewed the wrong thing. I needed to renew GSDCA I am 1.5 years ahead on my USCA membership (United Schutzhund Clubs of America) good to 2023! and have to be reinstated for GSDCA. (German Shepherd Dog Club of America) been members for years, wrong renewal Janie. I knew I forgot something!
🤣 Oops! Wrong renewal! hahahha Thank God, I renew my CPA license on time! Too much CPE to forget!

I am also joining a local club soon.

Monday, December 27, 2021

12/27/2021 Went to Fast cat to help my friends Compete


12/27/2021 Breeders Diary- Back dated post. I went to fastcat this day 

This video is my trainer and I releasing my classmate's dog. He was so emphatic took two of us to release. When I got home, I immediately stomped on bleach paper towels and took off my shoes. 
I got in the house and immediately hit the showers. It is a dangerous game going to events and going home to pups weaning off of Mom. I could track disease home. So I opted not to compete this go around.

My beloved Edelweiss. I was doing a photo of Edelweiss wining her BCAT and a lure went behind her and photographer shot this. So I made a meme. 

Lucy wants in the room and she has a chicken leg in mouth.  She wants to regurgitate and give the litter the leg. Just like wolves in the wild. Mom goes hunt, eat all she can , keep meat in her mouth, give the litter the meat in her mouth and she will vomit the balance for them to eat. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Post. Pups are 4 weeks old

 12/25/2021 333pm Breeder's diary - back dated post.  The pup we are keeping? Her registered name will be Medusa's Vendetta of Cerberus. Her called name will be Eda (would sound like etta). But copy and paste from xmas. Parents were dna'd. Titan is solid black a/a, and Lucy is aw/aw My friends are giggling about

Are These Saddlebacks???????? Not used to having them to even know! I have had two before in a litter. My Christmas gift is getting on of these two girls. but is it me? Or they going to be saddlebacks? This is pink and purple. Lot of tan on that chest. I have a feeling my girl might be a saddlebacks. I have only had saddlebacks one time but is it me? Or are those going to be "Rin-tin-tin" dogs? Either pink or purple and I know the owner of the other. But Debra Jones Baker merry xmas, but both girls? are looking like a black and tan, saddleback! I didn't see that come! One will be named Quilla and working on our called name. Volhards occur on Jan 8 or around that time!

Pink collar- is one female but you see the tan on the chest.? 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The lull of breeding and scheduled the volhards for Jan 8, 2022, at 6 weeks.

 12/21/2021 940pm- Breeder's diary- Pups are 3.5 weeks old. There teeth are growing in. and there are 10. Lucy's teats are getting red. They gain about 4-5 oz a day and with 10? 16 oz are a pound. Needless to say when I say I shovel food I mean it. If you asked me how much food we feed Lucy I would say close to 20lbs. We are defrosting the goat milk. I ordered two cases of commercial premium wet- but that is more for experimentation. Raw is where we go. Lucy eats the feces and urine from pups. But her ability to fully sustain them is coming to a quick close. Good Job, Lucy. We kept the pup's milk flowing hard, but here is the part where we thankfully can help her. So this week? We start cutting the raw goat milk. Also, I will miss this day, I simply switch out the washable puppy pads and put in new ones. We even put in pillows, this is something that won't stay but made the room cushy. We wash in de-enezymer, and soon will put down a traction chemical to prevent slippage. In short? This is the lull. the sweetest and easiest time between whelp and going home. I promise I am enjoying it! 

Monday, December 20, 2021

" What makes your puppy special?" was my answer. Updated Good Dog.

12/20/2021 420pm Breeder's diary- This is a bit of a teaser but let me give you the backdrop. I went to renew my USCA membership (and we did and have a family membership) and saw something about a Breed Survey. I am a USCA member and didn't pay much attention. I thought I could no longer be a member without it. Worse? when I went to renew I was liked out, I was like crap! What did I do wrong, turns out a coincidence. Website was down. I was like the dog I intended to title in schutzhund was shot by an awful person. I was like I missed the email. Turns out? website was down and when I renewed I looked at the Breed Survey I was like WOW! They forgot the kitchen sink. Folks don't realize the work in some components but this is something I aspire to do. Whatever you think is required to meet all these parameters? Multiply by 1000. I posted on a local breeder group asking what is this, and then I realized United Schutzhund Club of America would have 30 members if this were the basis! I bowed in homage. 


That said on the group I was on. I saw a post by someone asking what makes a good breeder. Talk about an involved question but I simplified it easily. I said to breed? When someone asks you what makes your puppy special? Be sure to give a bible thick answer. Papers, purebreed, is a one liner. When I say a huge answer? I mean it! Like what you see above and I haven't achieved that. but that is kind of what I am getting at. I lost 5 lbs reading it. I do know what is involved. To do something like that above? An encylclopedia set answer.

Side note, pups we are starting to defrost goat milk and prep it for weaning soon. 

We also changed up the whelping room. This week was heavier on my facebook page. 

I recommend this website they investigate our assertions! Here is our Good Dog listing. Good Dog Listing

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Pups are 3 weeks old and playing catch up, learning in full force! Teaching problem solving

12/18/2021 308pm Breeder's Diary- Playing catch up but we changed out the whelping room, pups are getting out of the box. I have several platforms youtube, facebook, personal profile and sometimes I have to put on different platforms for different reasons. If the video is long? Youtube tends to be the place. So will copy and past what I put on my breeder page below/  But it too the pups like 1 hour to learn how to sleep on a doggie bed! 

Breeders can ABSOLUTELY affect the personality of a dog, outside of genetic predisposition. Before you continue reading this? Think "Pavlov's dog" We are, currently, teaching them to problem solve. I joke when I say, "I make them crazy on purpose." What I really mean is that I am conditioning them out of fears they are born with, and teaching them skills during "imprinting" times. Humans are born with two fears, all else is learned. Those two fears are loud noises and fear of falling. When I said we were doing ENS, that is early neurological stimulation. Pups (and you will notice I use the word dogs because I don't sell puppies I sell baby working dogs, but continuing on) are born not hearing nor seeing. So we get them used to the sensation of elevation in uncomfortable scenarios. After the eyes open, we don't do downward, I don't need to make a phobia (this becomes an art.) but during weighing they are used to elevation. They are 3 weeks old and hearing is coming into play. I have started to drop aluminum cans not as loud. When they start weaning, I drop heavier bowls and open umbrellas (getting rid of fear of gunshots and thunderstorms.) Right now I am making them learn Mom is on the otherside of the box, you want to eat? Get out of the box. When we wean they will get out of the box and this is the part where "You got out of the box? Now, learn to get into the box." Also, we get them excited about loud noises, means time to eat (positive association vs innate fear) Problem solving when they are young like this, the imprinting is unbelievably impactful. I make "crazy dogs." What I really mean is since they were 3 days old, whether playing classical music, dropping cans, socialization? I am making them confident, smart and fearless. I say that with every sincerity!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Introducing the pups by collar color. If we we don't say female it is a male 10 pups 6 spoken for. One on reserve

 12/17/2021  Breeder's diary - I posted a video on coat and collar but remember we don't allow selection until volhards which is are our Jan 8. About to post a second video, we are teaching them to problem solve. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

We are now AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T breeders, feel so proud

 We made AKC Breeder with HEART! A lot of parameters with that. But got in the pedigree, AKC papers, the microchips and we bought the fancy folders and read "Dear Breeder with Heart! " We keep going like we are going will be Breeder with Merit in two more years, we did schutzhund training and have to title for 5 years in AKC (been doing it for 3) I feel proud!

12/13/2021 Pups are two weeks old.

 Sorry this will be brief but did do a video off to work in a few and the AKC papers came in. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Finally a more sanitary box, Pups are too big Lucy

 Copied and pasted from Facebook. 12/9/21 734pm Breeder's diary- For once I will be more expansive here than my blog. Pups will be two weeks old and we removed the old gym matting used during whelp and replaced it with new, mopped underneath, and put in washable puppy pads see comments for more pictures. I find our blog easier to show things, but we have several and had to get rid of mom. put pups into two laundry baskets and now they have a clean area and we are washing the washable puppy pads now. Lucy was very fastidious about her area but as they are growing we need to make sure a more sanitary area. Let me go weight them. See video

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Welcome to the World pups! They can see! ENS over

 12/8/21 701pm Breeder's Diary- WELCOME TO THE WORLD PUPPIES! THEY CAN SEE! I was doing early neurological stimulation and pointed purple collar down and she complained and pointed up and she was looking at me. Pups eyes are opening. Hello to the world pups! Pups are born not seeing or hearing but as I looked at the pups? I saw eyes open. We were on day 9 of ENS but I instantly stopped. Pups can see. I know the owner of the other girl. There are two girls purple and pink and purple looked at me and said stop that! We removed the heated pup pad it isn't cold and the pups use themselves

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Day 8 of ENS, washable puppy pads, and eyes should open in a few days!

12/7/21 739pm Breeder's Diary-  Day 8 of Early Neurological stimulation. This will end soon. They are 11 days old and we stop when eyes open. but conditioning them for elevation. We got 4s save one on elevation that got a 3 so conditioning them against an born fear. "Fear of falling" and why before eyes open so they get used to the sensation. Eyes (and ears, they can't hear either) should open this weekend. Purple, lime green and don't die of shock! Blue collar didn't tell me what he thought! We are winning the washable puppy pad war. We need to change the gym matting and soon the poop will start to see. So she got over the washable puppy pads. Pups are walking really well.

Monday, December 6, 2021

A Dream is just a dream. Sometimes? We are haunted by our love of past dogs.

 12/6/21 831pm- Breeder's Diary-  Day 7 pups are gaining weight fast and had to loosen collars more. they are getting fiesty. Yellow collar did well today. But they can't hear nor see until 2 weeks but gaining weight fast. I kid you not Lucy is eating 5lbs of chicken leg quarters liver, had her tums with cheese. ground beef. Shoveling her food but I want that first milk to be plentiful and she regained her physique. But Mom's first milk is everything to me. 

12/6/2021 502pm - Breeder's Diary- Let me preface, that I am the least superstitious ever. I live next to Cemetery and love my neighbors! Only ones I have. But last night had a dream Edelweiss was lying on the driveway and as I approached? I said, "Edelweiss!" She kept looking over to the creek. My Mom asked me how the pups were doing and I mentioned. I loved seeing her even if in a dream. I won't think anything of it aside from it was vivid. And I told my Mom, I loved seeing her even if in a dream. Many of our owners grieve and I am no exception. My husband took off work this morning and I went home early this afternoon. I have a lot of work to do until the end of the year and was surprised my boss follows me. I do love my job, by the way. Affords me my passion, he is a great boss. But he asked how the pups were doing and explain the q-tips. I explained pups can't hear nor see for weeks. I speculated that must be why the gestation period is so short. I talked to the owner of the other female. We only have two and her name will be "Quilla Zaporia Cerberus" Isn't that beautiful. Lucy, we are shoveling food. But all is well. But I suspect those who read this blog are "haunted" by former dogs. And that isn't superstition. We just miss them. This was my Edelweiss. I miss her, and was happy to see her. Even if it was only a dream. Our new pup will be her half sister but no dog is ever made twice. It is a grievance we must process. 

We made a tribute video to her and the outpouring of comfort was great, especially from the rescue community. I cared for the dog I didn't produce but they knew this one hurt. But a good idea how we raise our dogs and she was from our litter - Desdemona litter Beta-