Tuesday, January 11, 2022

. Volhards done! Pups are 6 weeks old

 1/11/2022 906am. I am so behind here. My Facebook page has the most updates but I am uploading the volhard videos. I haven't got the official scores but I have a playlist called Volhards - Lucy litter Delta

Pink collar is my pick of litter. I promise I will catch up but this is the prelim scores 

Purple, Tan, Emerald Green and Pink are selected (I matched to owner). I have two other depositors but those would not have been my selection for them. Besides Purple the balance was ALOT of dog.  We have two owners coming this weekend to select as well. They are similar in circumstance and prey/energy but we have lots to choose from. 

I am slowly uploading the video of the volhards and will take forever but I will get there.  Remaining are, Yellow black and tan male, Lime green sable male, blue collar black and tan male, red collar sable male, brown collar black and tan male, orange collar black and tan male.  Really liking the black and tans for my other two depositors. Not on the coat color nec but temperament. Red collar hasn't been tested yet. He had a fear period earlier than normal so I opted not to test him until that is done. We have shots on Wednesday. 
But here is the playlist.

I also, registered Eda (Medusa's Vendetta of Cerberus) Pink collar and put her in pedigree database. Here is what the pedigree of this litter looks like. They get chipped on the 19th, once chipped and scanned will put that in as well. 
