12/31/2021 758am Breeder's Diary- I will back date posts. I am playing a lot of catch up. I have a lot of platforms. I have a facebook page and that is where I talk about the most. So let me catch up from my last post. The litter is 5 weeks old. This morning we started their panacur. That is their dewormer. So that 1 mil per 5 lbs for 3 days so we have started that. We have been going through a gallon of goat milk a day. I will copy and paste things I wrote in the last 10 days I was going to put on this one post but too long.
12/30/21 pm posts
The rosettes? The ribbons Are NOT my dogs they are my classmates! I am beyond proud and completely jealous. I am proud to breed and I am personally creating my next titling dog, but look at my friends and by the way, these are my rescue friends and rescue dogs. They are my classmates and most definitely my friends. I opted not to go to not track back but oh my goodness, Lucy and Eda will be joining the fun. Jacquelyn Sternung and Joan Bastura and Spencer Sternung I am so proud of ya'll!! I really, really am. The litter is from tonight and was showing off orange collar's ears up, but pales in comparison to what my classmates did today!
This is my classmate's crazy dog Jazz. Joan and I are good friends and look at the size of that rosette. Man I am jealous but even more proud.
I am also joining a local club soon.
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