I have a facebook page but I am also brining over the posts from there to here.
07/7/2021 - Lucy's first litter set to be bred at the end of next month (aug 2021) gestation is 63 days, stud is experienced and a good thing. will be a live cover (old fashion way) and stud is experienced as is the stud owner staying with my mom in mississippi for a few days have to skip days and do lab work will get into that soon, 2.5 years old. cgc, tkn bcat ofas- hips excellent, elbows norma dm clear, we dual submitted to germany for sv haven't got the results back. Due to be bred at end of august born in mid october and around xmas, and nope those pups aint going home xmas. I will take them to show on xmas eve and bring them back home, don't mess up my dog. Giving Interceptor plus/simparica, order advantix for breeding at end of month. Vaccintations on July 27 asked for all, I need antibodies for the milk. Contacted stud owner about nec labwork, scheduled for end of August, staying with mom. Dr. walker doesn't do inhouse progesterone so need to do 24 hour turnaround. Stock up on goat milk. Planned litter anouncement sent. Lucy has one last this week and might make her rally novice. Once bred, I am hands off. After the litter intend on completing both that and at the end of the year get her CAA title.
07/08/2021 *943 a just got my first rough draft of litter announcement and making a few tweeks and will post. It is very aggressive but I like the idea of I don't sell cute pups , I sell baby working dogs. but you aren't forgetting this. lol
09/12/21 Lucy hasn't come in to heat yet. Will be any day though so expected litter is to be announced
07/08/2021 OH MY GOD I LOVE IT! I am keeping female pick of litter! My planned litter announcement talked with rose phang to do planned litter announcement and she does great work. I didn't make an announcement I made a movie poster. People may think to aggressive, but how about cute puppies isn't why you come to me. lol baby vampire angels! Pedigree of the planned litter. https://www.pedigreedatabase.com/german_shepherd_dog/breeding.planned?litter=12321&fbclid=IwAR1DVtiFPnnahhuONw2eCT5OcvCBOLmz0Xmyd3yziWrtY5OIxe8if0PMEa8
07/08/2021 OH MY GOD I LOVE IT! I am keeping female pick of litter! My planned litter announcement talked with rose phang to do planned litter announcement and she does great work. I didn't make an announcement I made a movie poster. People may think to aggressive, but how about cute puppies isn't why you come to me. lol baby vampire angels! Pedigree of the planned litter. https://www.pedigreedatabase.com/german_shepherd_dog/breeding.planned?litter=12321&fbclid=IwAR1DVtiFPnnahhuONw2eCT5OcvCBOLmz0Xmyd3yziWrtY5OIxe8if0PMEa8
07102021 906 pm discovered that specialties means confirmation. Our dogs can be shown but you are bringing a knife to a gun fight. And about to get into trouble but like bringing a show dog to the schutzhund field. Our dogs are AKC and can be shown but if you want to show your dog? I will be the first tell you get a show dog. I am going to an event in spet but lucy isn't dock diving. Stud owners came by and visited me this afternoon. But folks? If you want to show your dog, I do believe in getting the dog you want but we don't have that angulation. I will watch the confirmation in awe. but as a woman who has CPA, MBA behind her name? This isn't about money and been to my home, despite my appearance normally not a distute woman. In your research of dogs, remember...I think I am an awesome breeder, but that doesn't mean I have the dog for you. I am not everything to everybody. I am everything to somebody. Will bring Prima to this. Dock diving! Lucy isn't dock diving. I said "pretend Jesus is in her belly" because way she will be treated but Prima (who is fixed will go)
07/17/2021 651 Breeder's journal entry- Lucy is blowing her coat. Right on time Lucy. A bitch will blow her coat about a month out from heat. I remember Laurel (the stud owner) asking has she blown her coat yet, and I saw any day and like clockwork. Also got my website going
07/18/2021 535pm breeder's journal. Want to know the hardest part of this litter will be? Highest propensity will be dark sables like my Edelwiess (Lucy's half sister). I know when a female dark sable is born in my hand I will cry. And will reflexively think Edelweiss came back to me. But I know that isn't true. God bless the volhards as the dog with the right scores win. I talk to many owners who have lost their dogs recently and I tell them. I will never replace your dog. Easy for me to say and that is true, but will I do when one is born into mine? Will I hope for my Edelweiss to return which isn't true. but sometime the heart and the brain think different things. I talked to Diana Bunch and will let the volhard scores decide and I don't know if it will be a blessing or a curse. If a dark sable is chosen. It still won't be my beauitful Edelweiss and would give anything if it was, but that won't ever be. I, always, said I would love a solid black but she will be born in my hands. All that said? I will the volhard decide and no matter whcih dog is chosen that dog is unique and I won't project one dog to another, that would be unfair to both me and the dog. And every dog is special but disclosing the reflexive reaction so I can remember don't let my bias, be to my detriment nor to the dog I keep
07/18/2021 breeder's note don't put red collar on dark sable female. Put on a male non dark sable
07182021 705pm We have never owned the stud, so we always stud with other breeders so titan of kreative is in pass christian ms and graudated from pass high in 91. My mom called as I am staying with her in gulfport for a few days. And she asked when I was coming and I said, Lucy has to tell me that. I said I will do one round of lab work. and said going to come visit you. I am bringing Lucy to flirt, I have 2-3 potential owners I am meeting on ms gulf coast during that time, but going to visit Laurel in pass christian every day or every other day. I am inclined to go early one morning and late the next day. repro vets say skip days, and will feel it out. but I told my mom, probably will be last week in August, but honestly? ucy tells me not the other way around. https://www.pedigreedatabase.com/german.../dog.html...
07/222021 Breeder's diary. Lucy had bloodwork done to examine her health. Had Lucy examined and CBC run on her. they mentioned came out of arm so might vary a touch but girl is a clean bill of health. See comments for all results. I looked up some and she wasn't happy about it but if she needs a c-section or anything else? I wanted to know where we stood and happy with the results. See comments for the rest of them
07/25/2021 633pm Breeders diary entry- Lucy went to tractor supply today to pick out a motivating toy. She is skipping this next round of class but when she is done with the litter back to training and titling so Lucy got to pick out a motivating toy today. When she is done with the litter lining up titling events starting in late december. As we talk about events upcoming and training I am afraid Lucy won't be joining those. I joke and say she "might as well have Jesus in her belly the way she gets treated in the next few months" Meaning dock diving in Sept she won't be going to. She is scheduled for her shots (all of them) on 7/27 and I do this timing for a very specific reason. I like to do it a month out before breeding and a month is about right. I am power packing her milk. Allow me to opine on this. You see pups get their antibodies from Mom's milk. That can make the first shot panel useless but a chance I will take first shot panel is useless anyway but given the timing of going home (New Year's) I would rather mom's milk be doses of anti bodies each time than depend on the owner and the panel. If I do it a month out before breeder? Mom reacts and body creates all the anti-bodies, esp parvo meaning I am ramping up the milk BIG TIME. I am also putting out feelers for raw goat milk. We haven't had a litter in 2.5 years and Lucy's first litter but during weaning guess what we use? Cut raw goat milk and 80/20 ground beef. On a big litter we got through gallons. We also are feeding lucy an adequate dose of liver ....I am "vitamining her up" Talked to the vet at length about the CBC she looks good. so shot time and in about a month set to bred. so where we are today
07/27/2021 Breeders diary- If you own a dog near me, you might want to read this post. Lucy had her shots today and there are Ivermectim strains of parasites that are hitting our area. I had her shots and opted for a 1 year on rabies. We did a heartworm and fecal just the same and both came clear. But at talking to my vet, I explained people along the Ms. River are getting hit with parasites that don't respond to Heartgard and popping heartworm positive. He said he had not seen that but said there are strains that he is seeing where hookworms are very resistant and there is only one medication that has a 100% efficacy that is moxidecitin and comes in two forms. One is topical and the other is injection. Advantage Multi is the topical, and Proheart is injection. but this strain is popping up fierce in our area and I use interceptor plus but has a different component that Heartgard, He doesn't carry it and I have to get off of simparica so I told Dr. Walker, can I order this for now. Pregnancy always changes the game so he said yes, and he said find an online one and by phone is easier. They call me and say yes. But folks, we got some bad stuff in the area, and said don't use interceptor plus as it is redundant. But there is a hole. Doesn't take care of ticks I believe he said but folks are popping up with heartworm and hookworms because the parasites are becoming immune. Take it for what it is worth but I read the nchmi articles and seeing Heartgard having a 29% efficacy on heartworm, you heard that right. So about to buy that. I have to go back for bordatello they have a shipment this week and she was a touch early. But I am doing the shots for the pups more than mom. I can't compete without shots and sometimes I wonder if a cause to bring the dog in. there was another I may give lepto? and he said only if you had hunting dogs. I said I live on 15 acres with a creek and a swamp. He mentioned could have reaction lets do after the pups and I agreed
07/28/2021747am I went back to chewy this morning and order went through. I think the rx still needs approval. My vet says don't need to give interceptor if giving this. but it is missing something . I don't if ticks or what. but it is effective against strains
07/29/2021 540pm just wrote my trainer and said, I am in for dock diving practice. I am bringing prima and trained there before, but been a while and will get wet, but Prima is going to dock diving training on sat at K9 Strong - Rehabilitation & Conditioning New dog, new sport. not really new but been a while but I am in.

Cerberus German Shepherds
07/29/2021 844p Breeder diary- On tonight's menu (not all we fed, btw), seared liver and seared deer heart. We say we feed raw but doesn't mean everything is raw. Organ (beef liver has to be about 10%) and makes for fat puppies. Deer heart? Last fall (as we live on 15 acres, the man who married my husband and I we invited out to hunt as we trusted them and froze the meat and used every part we could (as it should be). Also, I spoke to my vet about rotating out advantage multi one month and interceptor plus/simparica the next for non-pregnant bitches. His concern was people like consistency and I rebutted that I agree your patients generally won't like that. However, you are talking to a woman , who's husband shops about 3 times a week for the dogs dinner and takes about 20 mins to prepare. Meaning he was hesitant to suggest openly but I am not an average owner. So in the future during summer months? I am going to rotate out. Meaning I 100% understood where my vet was coming from. However? My dogs rarely exactly have the same thing twice and you are talking to a cpa which the mantra is "what did we do last year:" The deer that were hunted on our property, were well appreciated. I let it relatively thaw out, and seared it. Deer heart is a non-skeletal muscle and the meat including all we could save was much appreciated. Sidenote if I didn't mention I have a local Elberta goat milk farmer thant I am buying the goat milk off of. I told her to give me all you got and keep it fresh and I will set it to deep freeze. nothing better than raw goat milk but won't come into play until mid- Nov if it takes. Next tues I take Lucy in for bordatella. they didn't have that one in.